Thesycon Port Devices Driver Download For Windows 10

  1. Thesycon Port Devices Driver Download For Windows 10 3 8 5

Aug 12, 2015 There is no com port section in the device manager. I have updated drivers, tried different connectors etc. I did the command prompt method on both machines and there simply are no com ports. The device shows up as a mass storage device under the USB section. I cant get either machine (win 10 or 8.1) to recognize it as a com port.

Starting with Windows 10, release 1703, a USB Audio 2.0 driver is shipped with Windows. It is designed to support the USB Audio 2.0 device class. The driver is a WaveRT audio port class miniport. For more information about the USB Audio 2.0 device class, see

  • Thesycon's device driver for usb cdc/acm compliant devices a serial port emulation on windows 10, 8.1, 8 and 7 by implementing a serial link emulation protocol on usb. Download free driver for example for windows platforms. Fixes an issue in to purchase one of these mode-switching things.
  • TL-USBNet Device Driver for Windows 10, 8.1, 8 and 7 Supported Platforms Demo Prices. Thesycon’s TL-USBNet driver provides a network adapter emulation on Windows operating systems by implementing the specific network protocol on USB. TL-USBNet device driver works with USB devices that are compliant to the following CDC subclasses.

The driver is named: usbaudio2.sys and the associated inf file is usbaudio2.inf.

The driver will identify in device manager as 'USB Audio Class 2 Device'. This name will be overwritten with a USB Product string, if it is available.

The driver is automatically enabled when a compatible device is attached to the system. However, if a third-party driver exists on the system or Windows Update, that driver will be installed and override the class driver.


usbaudio2.sys fits within the wider architecture of Windows USB Audio as shown.

Related USB specifications

The following USB specifications define USB Audio and are referenced in this topic.

  • USB-2 refers to the Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 2.0
  • ADC-2 refers to the USB Device Class Definition for Audio Devices, Release 2.0.
  • FMT-2 refers to the Audio Data Formats specification, Release 2.0.

The USB-IF is a special interest group that maintains the Official USB Specification, test specifications and tools.

Audio formats

The driver supports the formats listed below. An alternate setting which specifies another format defined in FMT-2, or an unknown format, will be ignored.

Thesycon Port Devices Driver Download For Windows 10

Download xiaomi mobile phones & portable devices driver download. Type I formats (FMT-2 2.3.1):

  • PCM Format with 8.32 bits per sample (FMT-2
  • PCM8 Format (FMT-2
  • IEEE_FLOAT Format (FMT-2

Type III formats (FMT-2 2.3.3 and A.2.3):

  • IEC61937_AC-3
  • IEC61937_MPEG-2_AAC_ADTS
  • IEC61937_DTS-I
  • IEC61937_DTS-II
  • IEC61937_DTS-III

Feature descriptions

This section describes the features of the USB Audio 2.0 driver.

Audio function topology

The driver supports all entity types defined in ADC-2 3.13.

Each Terminal Entity must have a valid clock connection in compatible USB Audio 2.0 hardware. The clock path may optionally include Clock Multiplier and Clock Selector units and must end in a Clock Source Entity.

The driver supports one single clock source only. If a device implements multiple clock source entities and a clock selector, then the driver will use the clock source that is selected by default and will not modify the clock selector’s position.

A Processing Unit (ADC-2 3.13.9) with more than one input pin is not supported.

An Extension Unit (ADC-2 3.13.10) with more than one input pin is not supported.

Cyclic paths in the topology are not allowed.

Audio streaming

The driver supports the following endpoint synchronization types (USB-2

  • Asynchronous IN and OUT
  • Synchronous IN and OUT
  • Adaptive IN and OUT

For the asynchronous OUT case the driver supports explicit feedback only. A feedback endpoint must be implemented in the respective alternate setting of the AS interface. The driver does not support implicit feedback.

There is currently limited support for devices using a shared clock for multiple endpoints.

For the Adaptive IN case the driver does not support a feedforward endpoint. If such an endpoint is present in the alternate setting, it will be ignored. The driver handles the Adaptive IN stream in the same way as an Asynchronous IN stream.

The size of isochronous packets created by the device must be within the limits specified in FMT-2.0 section This means that the deviation of actual packet size from nominal size must not exceed +/- one audio slot (audio slot = channel count samples).


An audio function must implement exactly one AudioControl Interface Descriptor (ADC-2 4.7) and one or more AudioStreaming Interface Descriptors (ADC-2 4.9). A function with an audio control interface but no streaming interface is not supported.

The driver supports all descriptor types defined in ADC-2, section 4. The following subsections provide comments on some specific descriptor types.

Class-Specific AS interface descriptor

For details on this specification, refer to ADC-2 4.9.2.

An AS interface descriptor must start with alternate setting zero with no endpoint (no bandwidth consumption) and further alternate settings must be specified in ascending order in compatible USB Audio 2.0 hardware.

An alternate setting with a format that is not supported by the driver will be ignored.

Each non-zero alternate setting must specify an isochronous data endpoint, and optionally a feedback endpoint. A non-zero alternate setting without any endpoint is not supported.

The bTerminalLink field must refer to a Terminal Entity in the topology and its value must be identical in all alternate settings of an AS interface.

The bFormatType field in the AS interface descriptor must be identical to bFormatType specified in the Format Type Descriptor (FMT-2

For Type I formats, exactly one bit must be set to one in the bmFormats field of the AS interface descriptor. Otherwise, the format will be ignored by the driver.

To save bus bandwidth, one AS interface can implement multiple alternate settings with the same format (in terms of bNrChannels and AS Format Type Descriptor) but different wMaxPacketSize values in the isochronous data endpoint descriptor. For a given sample rate, the driver selects the alternate setting with the smallest wMaxPacketSize that can fulfill the data rate requirements.

Type I format type descriptor

For details on this specification, refer to FMT-2

The following restrictions apply:

FormatSubslot sizeBit resolution
Type I PCM format:1 <= bSubslotSize <= 48 <= bBitResolution <= 32
Type I PCM8 format:bSubslotSize 1bBitResolution 8
Type I IEEE_FLOAT format:bSubslotSize 4bBitResolution 32
Type III IEC61937 formats:bSubslotSize 2bBitResolution 16

Class-Specific AS isochronous audio data endpoint descriptor

For details on this specification, refer to ADC-2

The MaxPacketsOnly flag in the bmAttributes field is not supported and will be ignored.

The fields bmControls, bLockDelayUnits and wLockDelay will be ignored.

Class requests and interrupt data messages

The driver supports a subset of the control requests defined in ADC-2, section 5.2, and supports interrupt data messages (ADC-2 6.1) for some controls. The following table shows the subset that is implemented in the driver.

Clock SourceSampling Frequency Controlxxx
Clock SelectorClock Selector Controlx
Clock MultiplierNumerator Controlx
Denominator Controlx
TerminalConnector Controlxx
Mixer UnitMixer Controlxxx
Selector UnitSelector Controlxx
Feature UnitMute Controlxxx
Volume Controlxxxx
Automatic Gain Controlxx
Effect Unit
Processing Unit
Extension Unit

Additional information on the controls and requests is available in the following subsections.

Clock source entity

For details on this specification, refer to ADC-2

At a minimum, a Clock Source Entity must implement Sampling Frequency Control GET RANGE and GET CUR requests (ADC-2 in compatible USB Audio 2.0 hardware.

The Sampling Frequency Control GET RANGE request returns a list of subranges (ADC-2 5.2.1). Each subrange describes a discrete frequency, or a frequency range. A discrete sampling frequency must be expressed by setting MIN and MAX fields to the respective frequency and RES to zero. Individual subranges must not overlap. If a subrange overlaps a previous one, it will be ignored by the driver.

A Clock Source Entity which implements one single fixed frequency only does not need to implement Sampling Frequency Control SET CUR. It implements GET CUR which returns the fixed frequency, and it implements GET RANGE which reports one single discrete frequency.

Clock selector entity

For details on this specification, refer to ADC-2

The USB Audio 2.0 driver does not support clock selection. The driver uses the Clock Source Entity which is selected by default and never issues a Clock Selector Control SET CUR request. The Clock Selector Control GET CUR request (ADC-2 must be implemented in compatible USB Audio 2.0 hardware.

Feature unit

For details on this specification, refer to ADC-2

The driver supports one single volume range only. If the Volume Control GET RANGE request returns more than one range, then subsequent ranges will be ignored.

The volume interval expressed by the MIN and MAX fields should be an integer multiple of the step size specified in the RES field.

If a feature unit implements single channel controls as well as a master control for Mute or Volume, then the driver uses the single channel controls and ignores the master control.

Additional Information for OEM and IHVs

OEMs and IHVs should test their existing and new devices against the supplied in-box driver.

There is not any specific partner customization that is associated with the in-box USB Audio 2.0 driver.

This INF file entry (provided in a update to Windows Release 1703), is used to identify that the in-box driver is a generic device driver.

The in-box driver registers for the following compatible IDs with usbaudio2.inf.

See the USB audio 2.0 specification for subclass types.

USB Audio 2.0 Devices with MIDI (subclass 0x03 above) will enumerate the MIDI function as a separate multi-function device with usbaudio.sys (USB Audio 1.0 driver) loaded.

The USB Audio 1.0 class driver registers this compatible ID with wdma_usb.inf.

And has these exclusions:

An arbitrary number of channels (greater than eight) are not supported in shared mode due to a limitation of the Windows audio stack.

IHV USB Audio 2.0 drivers and updates

For IHV provided third party driver USB Audio 2.0 drivers, those drivers will continue to be preferred for their devices over our in-box driver unless they update their driver to explicitly override this behavior and use the in-box driver.

Audio Jack Registry Descriptions

Starting in Windows 10 release 1703, IHVs that create USB Audio Class 2.0 devices having one or more jacks have the capability to describe these jacks to the in-box Audio Class 2.0 driver. The in-box driver uses the supplied jack information when handling the KSPROPERTY_JACK_DESCRIPTION for this device.

Jack information is stored in the registry in the device instance key (HW key).

The following describes the audio jack information settings in the registry:

<tid> = terminal ID (As defined in the descriptor)

<n> = Jack number (1 ~ n).

Convention for <tid> and <n> is:

  • Base 10 (8, 9, 10 rather than 8, 9, a)
  • No leading zeros
  • n is 1-based (first jack is jack 1 rather than jack 0)

For example:

T1_NrJacks, T1_J2_ChannelMapping, T1_J2_ConnectorType

For additional audio jack information, see KSJACK_DESCRIPTION structure.

These registry values can be set in various ways:

  • By using custom INFs which wrap the in-box INF for the purpose to set these values.

  • Directly by the h/w device via a Microsoft OS Descriptors for USB devices (see example below). For more information about creating these descriptors, see Microsoft OS Descriptors for USB Devices.

Microsoft OS Descriptors for USB Example

The following Microsoft OS Descriptors for USB example contains the channel mapping and color for one jack. The example is for a non-composite device with single feature descriptor.

The IHV vendor should extend it to contain any other information for the jack description.


If the driver does not start, the system event log should be checked. The driver logs events which indicate the reason for the failure. Similarly, audio logs can be manually collected following the steps described in this blog entry. If the failure may indicate a driver problem, please report it using the Feedback Hub described below, and include the logs.

For information on how to read logs for the USB Audio 2.0 class driver using supplemental TMF files, see this blog entry. For general information on working with TMF files, see Displaying a Trace Log with a TMF File.

For information on 'Audio services not responding' error and USB audio device does not work in Windows 10 version 1703 see, USB Audio Not Playing

Feedback Hub

If you run into a problem with this driver, collect audio logs and then follow steps outlined in this blog entry to bring it to our attention via the Feedback Hub.

Driver development

This USB Audio 2.0 class driver was developed by Thesycon and is supported by Microsoft.

See also

Reference Projects

USBIEEE 1394AudioDVBDriver InstallationNetworkOther

Thesycon commands expertise in several areas surrounding the development of device drivers and firmware. Below, we give a selection of the projects that have benefited from our expertise. Each item listed below refers to development work that Thesycon successfully completed either under contract to a client company or as product development. In many cases we worked together with partner companies responsible for hardware design.

Universal USB Device Driver for Windows

  • Design and implementation of a generic WDM device driver for USB 1.1, USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 devices
  • Programming interface for use by C/C++, C# .net or Java applications
  • For Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 and Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit):

TL-USBCOM Driver for Windows

  • CDC/ACM (communication device class, subclass abstract control model) device driver
  • Virtual COM port emulation
  • For Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 (32 and 64 bit):

USB CDC/ECM Class Driver for Windows

  • CDC/ECM (communication device class, subclass Ethernet control model) device driver
  • NDIS Ethernet adapter emulation
  • For Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 (32 and 64 bit):

USB CDC/NCM Class Driver for Windows

  • CDC/NCM (communication device class, subclass network control model) device driver
  • NDIS Ethernet adapter emulation
  • For Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 (32 and 64 bit):

USB CDC/NCM Class Driver for Mac OS X

  • CDC/NCM (communication device class, subclass network control model) device driver
  • For Mac OS X 10.6 and later

USB CDC/ACM Class Driver for Windows

  • CDC/ACM (communication device class, subclass abstract control model) device driver
  • Virtual COM port emulation
  • For Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 (32 and 64 bit)

Device Driver for USB Camera Devices

USB Audio Class 2.0 Driver for Windows

  • Audio class 2.0 compliant high-speed isochronous audio streaming
  • Windows WDM audio interface, DirectX
  • ASIO 2.2 interface
  • For Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit): see also the Professional Audio section below.

USB Audio Class 2.0 Driver for Mac OS X

  • Audio class 2.0 compliant high-speed isochronous audio streaming
  • Apple Core Audio interface
  • For Mac OS 10.6 and later, see also the Professional Audio section below.

USB Driver Suite for 2G and 3G GSM Phones

  • CDC/ACM and WMC, OBEX drivers with virtual COM port interface
  • USB Multi-Interface (composite) driver
  • RNDIS driver for Ethernet emulation
  • For Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8

Windows Driver for USB Smart Card Reader

  • WDM-compliant Windows device driver for smart card reader device with high-speed USB interface
  • Driver-integrated T0/T1 protocol implementation, compliant to ISO/IEC 7816-3, ISO/IEC 7816-4, ISO/IEC 14443-3, ISO/IEC 14443-4 (Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards, Proximity cards)
  • Interoperability Specification for ICCs and Personal Computer Systems
  • Specification of the SIM - ME interface (GSM 11.11)

Power Line Modem with USB Interface

  • Windows device driver for a USB-based power line modem

High-Speed USB Data Capture

  • Device drivers and firmware for various USB-based high-speed data capture applications, e.g. for measuring devices and medical devices

Device Driver for USB-based Touch Screen

  • WDM-compliant Windows kernel-mode device driver for touch screen with USB interface

Selective USB Device Filtering

  • WDM-compliant Windows filter driver that blocks non- authorized USB devices
  • Flexible and configurable filtering based on VID, PID, serial number etc.

USB Programming Interface for Java

  • Device drivers and JNI libraries for Windows and Linux to create a USB programming interface for Java applications

USB Device Drivers for Linux

  • Kernel-mode drivers for various USB devices
  • Compatible with Linux kernel 2.4 and 2.6 series
  • Various user mode driver libraries

USB Drivers for Apple MacOS-X

  • Various USB device drivers for Mac OS 10.5 and later
  • USB audio drivers with high-speed isochronous streaming

High-Speed USB Interface for Scanner

  • Firmware for Cypress FX-2 microcontroller
  • Windows device driver and API

Embedded USB Device Firmware Stack

  • Design and implementation of a modular and portable device firmware stack
  • Operating system independent
  • USB 2.0 full and high speed support
  • Various device classes: CDC/ACM, Mass Storage, CDC/ECM, CDC/NCM, RNDIS, HID, Audio 1.0, Audio 2.0, MIDI 1.0, CCID
  • Supported microcontrollers:Atmel, NXP, Infineon, ST Microelecronics, Texas Instruments, Xilinx, Renesas, Spansion

Embedded USB Host Firmware Stack

  • Design and implementation of a modular and portable host firmware stack for OHCI/EHCI
  • Operating system independent
  • Support for external USB hubs
  • Class driver support: Mass Storage, Printer, HID, CDC/ACM
  • Supported microcontrollers: Atmel, NXP, Xilinx, Spansion

Embedded Printer Driver

  • Driver for page and label printers with USB interface
  • Based on embedded USB host stack
  • Printing via PCL3 and ESC/Pos

USB Bootloader for Embedded Systems

  • USB-based bootloader, persistent in FLASH
  • DFU class compliant protocol
  • Windows device driver and API DLL
  • Mac OS X firmware downloader
  • Convenient integration into applications and scripts

USB Device-to-Device Adapter

  • Adds USB device functionality to Linux or Windows system with USB host
  • Emulation of various device classes
  • Endpoint data transfer via private API

USB Firmware and PC API for Sensor Device

  • HID compliant USB interface for sensor chip
  • PC API and demo application for data visualization

USB Firmware for Medical Device

  • RTOS-based firmware framework for battery-powered data recorder
  • Drivers for continuous data sampling
  • USB mass storage device functionality

USB Device with Automatic Driver Installation

  • USB device with integrated CD-COM emulation
  • Automatic driver installation from built-in CD-ROM
  • Driver uninstallation via Windows Control Panel
  • Supports Windows XP to Windows 8 (32 and 64 bit)

USB to Parallel Port Converter Device

  • Design and implementation of an IEEE 1284 parallel port to USB adapter with application-specific protocol implementation in the device
  • Firmware for 32-bit ARM-based MCU
  • Windows device driver, WHQL certification, driver installer, factory test support tools

USB HID Device with Integrated CD-ROM Emulation

  • HID device for Windows installation without administrator privileges
  • Integrated CD-ROM emulation for automatic application launch based on Windows autorun
  • ISO image stored in device-internal FLASH memory
  • ISO image update through HID commands

Firmware for High-end USB Microphone

  • USB Audio 1.0 class compliant firmware
  • PCM audio streaming via I2S
  • HID composite device for private control

IEEE 1394 Bus Driver for Windows

  • Design and implementation of an alternative IEEE1394 bus driver for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8
  • Compatible with Windows in-box bus driver
  • Full IEEE 1394a and IEEE 1394b support
  • OHCI 1.0, 1.1 and 1.1+ compliant
  • Robust design targeting industrial applications

Universal IEEE 1394 Device Driver for Windows

  • Design and implementation of a generic WDM- compliant device driver for IEEE1394 devices
  • Programming interface for use by Win32 applications
  • Supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8:

IP over IEEE 1394 Device Driver for Windows

  • Design and implementation of a driver that implements the IPover1394 standard (RFC 2734).
  • IP packet transport over IEEE 1394a and IEEE 1394b
  • Ethernet adapter emulation

IEEE1394-based Frame Grabber Device

  • Design, Documentation and implementation of the 1394-based communication protocol, including isochronous streaming (similar to IEC 61883)
  • Firmware on Nexperia processor including PCI device driver for 1394 OHCI controller
  • Drivers for various busses: I2C, SPI, JTAG, GPIO
  • Windows device driver and application programming interface (API) library

IEEE 1394 Driver Stack for Windows NT 4

  • Design and implementation of a 1394 OHCI driver stack for Windows NT 4.0

Programming Interface for IEEE 1394 Cameras

  • Design, implementation and documentation of a C++ library that provides a flexible programming interface for various kinds of IEEE 1394-based camera devices

IEEE1394-based Isochronous A/V Streaming

  • IEC 61883-6 compliant audio stream transmission via an IEEE 1394 isochronous channel
  • Audio streaming server that provides IEC 61883-6 compliant streams to client applications
  • IEC 61883-4 compliant transmission of MPEG-2 transport streams via IEEE 1394 isochronous mode

ASIO/WDM Drivers for Professional Audio Devices with IEEE 1394 Interface

See Professional Audio section below.

ASIO/WDM USB Driver for Windows

  • Device driver for a family of professional audio devices with USB 2.0 high-speed interface
  • Low-latency isochronous streaming and MIDI
  • Supports ASIO 2.0, DirectX/WDM audio, Kernel Streaming (KS) including MIDI and GSIF
  • Supports Windows XP 32 bit and Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)

USB Audio Driver for Mac OS X

  • Device driver for a family of professional audio devices with USB 2.0 high-speed interface
  • Low-latency isochronous streaming
  • Supports Apple Core Audio
  • Supports Mac OS X 10.6 and later

Audio Device Driver for High-end PCIe Card

  • Windows and Mac driver for PCIe plugin card
  • Multi-channel, low latency

USB 2.0 Interface for Pro-Audio Devices

  • Design and implementation of driver and firmware for a universal USB audio interface with up to 16x16 channels I2S, SPDIF and MIDI
  • Supports ASIO 2.2, WDM Kernel Streaming (KS)
  • Drivers for Windows XP/Vista, XP/Vista x64
  • Drivers for Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5 Core Audio

Sound Device Emulation on Windows

  • Software-only driver for device emulation
  • PCM audio streaming through private driver API
  • Dynamic creation/deletion of sound devices
  • Supports Windows XP to Windows 8 (32 and 64 bit)

ASIO/WDM IEEE1394 Driver for Windows

  • Device driver for a large set of professional audio devices with FireWire interface
  • Low-latency isochronous streaming according to the following standards: IEC 61883, IEC 61883-6, IEC 60958-1, IEC 60958-3, IEC 61937-5
  • Connection management and AV/C controller according to 1394 TA specifications
  • Supports ASIO 2.0, WDM/DirectX, GSIF
  • Supports multi-device setups and synch management
  • Windows XP, Vista and XP, Vista x64 (64 bit)

ASIO Driver for IEEE1394 Audio Controller

  • Windows ASIO 2.2 driver for 1394 audio device
  • IEC 61883-6 compliant audio streaming
  • Private MIDI and control protocol

FireWire-based PC-to-PC Audio Streaming

  • Windows driver with ASIO 2.0 interface
  • PC audio streaming network based on standard IEEE 1394 adapters

Up to 128 channels audio streaming from multiple slave PC systems to one master PC

WLAN-based Audio Streaming

  • Windows Kernel Streaming (KS) driver and service to transfer an audio playback stream over Wireless LAN to an external device
  • Device control via Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)

Device Status Monitor for Apple iOS

  • Design and implementation of an App for iOS
  • Displays current device status
  • Communication via WLAN and TCP/IP

Application for Mobile Data Recording

  • GUI application for Windows CE on handheld PC
  • Wireless communication with probe via ANT
  • Data recording, viewing, export
  • Used in mining and field exploration

Windows Device Driver Installation

Thesycon created driver setup wizards for numerous projects. We maintain an internal framework that enables us to create reliable installers very quickly.

USB Device Driver Installer for Mobile Phones

  • Complex installer that handles all Windows versions including 64-bit systems and supports a large set of different mobile USB devices and drivers
  • Support for silent (non-interactive) mode
  • Auto-run support and various user interface options
  • External customization

DVB Satellite Receiver PCI Card

  • Windows driver for PCI-based DVB-S receiver card with integrated MPEG-2 transport stream De-multiplexer (Demux) and PID-filters
  • Satellite tuner control
  • DVB SI table parsing and data management
  • DirectShow filter for MPEG2 audio and video stream rendering
  • DVB teletext parsing and rendering
  • Various accompanying Windows applications

Digital Satellite Radio Receiver PCI Card

  • Windows driver for PCI-based radio receiver card
  • Private API and demo application
  • Various tools for supporting mass production

DVB Satellite Receiver with USB Interface

Thesycon port devices driver download for windows 10 32 bit
  • Design and documentation of the USB-based streaming and control protocol
  • WDM compliant Windows device driver
  • Device firmware running on a 16 bit microcontroller

Windows Driver for USB DVB Receiver

  • Windows XP/Vista/7 driver for USB-based DVB receiver box
  • MPEG streaming on USB
  • Integration with Windows KS and BDA

Windows Driver for DVB Descrambling Device

  • Windows XP/Vista/7 driver for USB-based DVB CAM
  • Protocol implementation according to EN 50221 (Common Interface Specification for Conditional Access)
  • Kernel streaming and DirectShow integration

Windows Driver for W-LAN Network Interface Card (PCI and CardBus)

  • NDIS 5.1 miniport driver for PCI/Cardbus W-LAN adapter with integrated software protocol module
  • Windows 98, ME, 2000 and XP


  • USB Remote NDIS device driver for Windows as a replacement for the in-box driver

USB CDC/ECM Class Driver

  • USB CDC/ECM class driver for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10:

USB CDC/NCM Class Driver

  • USB CDC/ECM class driver for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10:

Virtual NDIS Network Adapter Driver

  • NDIS 5.0 miniport driver that provides a virtual network adapter with direct access to Ethernet packets via private API

NDIS Multiplexer Intermediate Driver

PXE Boot Driver for UEFI BIOS

  • UEFI network driver (UNDI) for USB device

Automatic W-LAN Configuration Wizard

  • Windows tool for automatic configuration of an external WLAN-based device
  • Automatic Windows firewall configuration

ATM Network Adapter Drivers

  • Various device drivers for ATM-155 and ATM-25 network interface controllers

Audio/Video Processing and Streaming

  • Design and implementation of a library of DirectShow modules for real-time processing and transmission of audio and video data streams
  • The functionality includes audio/video capturing, encoding, real-time network transmission, decoding.

Various PCI Drivers

Thesycon has implemented many PCI device drivers for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8, Windows CE/Mobile and Linux. Most devices use PCI bus mastering. Device types include:

  • PCI video capture board (frame grabber)
  • PCI multi-function card with serial and parallel ports
  • DMA-based high-speed measuring data capture
  • Network interface card
  • PCI-based USB device controller PLX NET2282

Serial Multiplexer Driver

  • WDM-compliant device driver for Windows that implements the serial multiplexing protocol defined by the ETSI TS 101 369 (GSM 7.10) standard

Persistent USB Disk Drive Letter Assignment

  • Windows kernel-mode driver that guarantees a fixed and persistent mapping of drive letters to USB disks

Serial Port Emulator (Virtual COM)

  • WDM-compliant bus driver that provides virtual COM port devices
  • Private API to create/destroy virtual ports and to transfer data
  • Can be used to create various virtual COM port solutions, for example: COM over TCP/IP tunneling, COM port emulation on top of arbitrary devices.

Virtual CD-ROM and Disk Driver

  • Windows kernel-mode driver that emulates a CD-ROM or hard disk drive and implements special data processing such as decryption

WHQL Certification of Windows Device Drivers

Thesycon has executed WHQL certification procedures and submissions on behalf of many customers. We have huge experience in running WHQL test benches on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. Thesycon offers WHQL driver certification as a service to customers.

USB Problem Analysis

For many customers, Thesycon has analyzed USB-related hardware, firmware or driver problems and provided methods of resolution, or implemented fixes.

USB Protocol Design

Thesycon has designed and optimized the USB-based device communication protocol for numerous applications. Thesycon has huge experience in designing reliable and efficient protocols as required by many industrial-scale solutions.


Driver Problem Analysis and Optimization

Thesycon has helped various customers to solve issues in existing PCI and other device drivers and to improve efficiency of the driver code.

Programming Interface Design

Thesycon has many years experience in application programming interface (API) design and other software interface design tasks. Main design principles are: efficiency, robustness, simplicity and scalability.

EHCI USB Host Controller Verification

Thesycon has supported a major silicon manufacturer in verifying an EHCI host controller design. Thesycon provided various USB test benches and supported the designers in Windows kernel-mode debugging.

FireWire Problem Analysis

Thesycon has supported customers in the analysis and solving of IEEE1394-related hardware, firmware or driver problems. We worked out solution strategies for various application scenarios, e.g. very large topology configurations.

Feasibility and Technology Studies

  • USB 3.0 security aspects
  • USB device based security exploits

Thesycon Port Devices Driver Download For Windows 10 3 8 5